Bluestones ranks in the Recruiter Fast50

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Bluestones Investment Group has ranked in the Recruiter’s Fast 50 list of recruitment companies, placing in the top 20.

The list is collated independently for the Recruiter focusing on the fastest growing, privately-owned recruitment companies in the UK according to a revenue compound annual growth rate over the three most recent annual reporting periods.

As the Recruiter report highlighted, an “unprecedented year infiltrated by COVID-19 has seen privately-owned recruitment firms’ growth rates slow“. It went on to explain how technology has been fundamental in helping companies adopt their business models to facilitate remote working, something the Group’s IT team enabled across the entirety of the Group’s brand portfolio.

The Fast50 report also credited the multi-sector approach – as evidenced through Bluestones’ balanced portfolio of brands across our six core divisions – as being critically important in weathering the turbulent times through its natural resilience, fostered across broad exposure to multiple sectors.

Steve Pendergast, Bluestones Group CEO commented,

We’re naturally pleased with the report, our top 20 ranking, and the recognition that our balanced portfolio approach is delivering tangible benefits.

The full Fast 50 list is available to view HERE.

About Bluestones

Bluestones Investment Group invests in staffing service companies. We operate a balanced portfolio of businesses in specific divisional sectors and are always keen to receive investment enquiries.

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