AI in the classroom

AI in education

School staff are no strangers to change and having to adapt to new technologies. From the shift from paper to electronic record keeping, the introduction of personal computing devices such as iPads in the classroom, or even the delivery of coding in lessons, teachers are well-versed in technological change. In their latest Staffroom Newsletter, the […]

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ChatGPT recruitment startups

ChatGPT and recruitment startups

We asked ChatGPT to explain what the critical success factors are for a startup recruitment company. This is what it had to say. Navigating the UK recruitment industry: Critical success factors and the power of partnership Today’s recruitment landscape in the UK is an exhilarating blend of promise and challenge. Startups are increasingly disrupting the

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World Poetry Day

World poetry day

For #worldpoetryday we’ve created the following little rhyming poem to celebrate all that we do at Bluestones. What do you think of it? In the world of talent, where recruiters reign,Our company invests, to relieve their strain.We scale and create wealth, with a strategy fine,Building recruitment brands, that truly shine. At the heart of our

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