Growing your network: Leveraging spring events and conferences for agency growth

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As the days start to get longer and brighter, the spring season also breathes new life into the world of business networking. Springtime presents a plethora of events and opportunities for recruitment agencies to expand their network and foster growth.

1. Importance of networking events

Springtime is often teeming with industry-specific conferences, workshops, and networking events. These gatherings provide a fantastic opportunity for forging new connections, learning about emerging trends, and showcasing your agency’s expertise.

2. Selecting the right events

Choose events that align with your agency’s niche and target market. Look for conferences where your potential clients or candidates are likely to attend. Research and prioritise events that offer the most value to your agency’s growth.

3. Preparing for a networking event or meet-up

Effective preparation is key to making the most of these opportunities. Develop a strategy outlining your objectives for each event. Equip your team with elevator pitches, marketing collateral, and a clear understanding of your agency’s unique selling points. Larger events will often have a list of speakers and attendees, so be sure to research any connections that you want to make a great impression with on the day.

4. Active engagement

Engage actively during events. Strike up conversations, participate in discussions, and offer valuable insights. Focus on building genuine connections rather than simply distributing business cards.

5. Leveraging social media

Extend your reach beyond the physical event by leveraging social media platforms. Live-posting, posting insights from sessions, and connecting with attendees online can significantly amplify your presence. Make a point of posting that you will be attending events beforehand too, as you may be able to set up meetings with other attendees ahead of time.

6. Hosting your own events

Consider hosting your own event or workshop during this season. It establishes your agency as an industry leader and provides a platform to showcase your expertise while drawing in potential clients and candidates.

7. Post-event follow-ups

The real value lies in the post-event follow-ups. Connect with the contacts you’ve made, send personalised follow-up emails, and nurture these relationships. Engage in meaningful conversations to solidify your new connections.


Springtime acts as a catalyst for growth, and these networking opportunities serve as stepping stones for your agency’s expansion. By participating in events, actively engaging with industry peers, and capitalising on these platforms, your agency can sow the seeds for enduring relationships that contribute to sustained growth.

Remember, successful networking isn’t just about collecting contacts; it’s about nurturing relationships and providing value to your connections. Embrace these spring events as a chance to learn, share, and forge alliances that will propel your recruitment agency to new heights.

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