Bluestones in the Fast 50 again

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For the third year running, Bluestones Group has appeared in the Recruiter’s Fast 50 report.

Although placing at 46th this year is down from its 19th position the previous year, it’s still a remarkable feat to be consistently featured in the Fast 50.

As CEO, Steve Pendergast commented:

To be regularly featured over the previous three years in the Fast 50 report really demonstrates the pace of growth we’ve been targeting here at Bluestones. Our multi-sector approach through a balanced portfolio of well-established recruitment brands and staffing service companies has been proven effective, despite the economic uncertainty and disruption in recent years.

As the Group looks to the future, it sees continued growth through greater market penetration, acquisitions, ongoing investments in recruiters and recruitment companies, and further diversification within the sector through its divisional focus on ‘all things recruitment‘, which spans recruitment, support, and investment.

The methodology

The Recruiter Fast 50 report is prepared annually by Clearwater International, and lists the fastest-growing, privately-owned recruitment companies in the UK according to their revenue compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the three most recent annual reporting periods.

The report goes on to outline its methodology further, outlining its criteria for inclusion, any exclusions that apply, and the data collection methods.

About Bluestones

Bluestones Investment Group invests in staffing service companies. We operate a balanced portfolio of businesses in specific divisional sectors and are always keen to receive investment enquiries.

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