Fast 50 progress

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In another industry league table published this month in Recruiter Magazine, Bluestones Group has again shown pleasing progress; this time by marginally improving on its 2021 ranking.


In the 2021 Fast 50 report, Bluestones ranked at position 20; whereas in the 2022 report, it is now in position 19. Based on compound annual growth rate, the metric used to determine the Fast 50 ranking, the year-on-year improvement in revenue for the Group was 25.2% (at October 2020 financial year end).

However, it’s important to note that despite this being published as a 2022 report, the data used by the third party (Clearwater International) to complete the report is older than the most recent results shared HERE. In reality, if the analysis had looked at the compound growth rate to year end October 2021, the situation would have been much better with a significantly higher compound annual growth rate.

Steve Pendergast, Bluestones Group CEO commented,

“Naturally, it’s pleasing to see Bluestones ranking highly again in another industry league table, particularly where it’s demonstrating our strong year-on-year performance. I’m keen to see how this will translate when more recent figures are taken into consideration, as I know we’ve seen a phenomenal performance in 2021/22.”

As with previous Fast 50, TALiNT International Power Lists, and other similar industry league tables, the balanced portfolio, multi-sector approach that Bluestones has adopted, seems to be increasingly prevalent in the recruitment sector. Find out more about our divisional structure HERE.

About Bluestones

Bluestones Investment Group invests in staffing service companies. We operate a balanced portfolio of businesses in specific divisional sectors and are always keen to receive investment enquiries.

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